I have heard this saying "enjoy it while it last, soon your babies will be your age". I have been taking my little children for granted. I have been crazy, busy with laundry, cleaning, crafting, and bills. I realize that I spend way too much time worrying about all of the things that only matter right this second. I love to have a clean house, but should that take precedence over taking a minute to play pretend kitchen? I spent an hour making dinner last night and then more time cleaning it up. Could that hour have been spent coloring with the girls?
Ryan and I were talking about little ones ending up in our bed. I have been telling Aniston to go back to her bed when she wakes up in the night, because a queen sized bed is just too small for a family of 4. Ryan told me not to do that, because soon, she won't want to come and cuddle with us at all.
What the heck have I been doing!! I am wasting all of this time, we could be playing dress-up and coloring and laughing and being completely silly. So I am going to be better. I am going to be a better mom! I want to play more and I want to work less! I want to color more and wash dishes less!!
Thanks for the reminder. I needed that one.
Wow i feel the same way, time is going so fast. It's nice to hear that someone else has the same bed issues as we do:)LOL You are a great mom!!!
Braydan & I had the same conversation on our way home from Park City last weekend. WHOA!!! I wish time would slow down along with life but unfortunately it doesn't & next thing you know your little girls are married with little ones of their own (or so I've heard). Amen to that!!!
That is so crazy! I spent a good hour looking over old pics of the kids today and thinking the same exact thing. How come all of us moms now the right way to parent, but get caught up in all the other stuff?
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