Thursday, May 14, 2009

10,000 views and a GIVEAWAY

I installed this counter back when I first started blogging. And everyday I would look at it to see how many views I had. It made me giddy with excitment when the # would rise.
I moved it to the bottom and sort of forgotten about it, but the other day I noticed it and much to my surprise it has almost reached 10,000. ------------------------>

So guess what...
I want to have a GIVEAWAY to celebrate my 10,000 views!!

I haven't decided what to giveaway just yet (but it will be good, I promise) , but if you want in Leave me a comment why you view my blog. Are you my friend, family, someone I went to school with? Tell me why you like to come here!!

Also, If you visit and notice the # has changed to 10,000 and are the 1st one to leave a comment saying that you noticed the 10,000, you will win too.

So there are TWO winners here!!


Ashley said...

Ohhh...I love your blog! Why? Let's see... I love your pictures, your crafts, your humor, and your honesty. I can tell that you are a great mom & wife.

You're awesome, K'Brina. And, your blog is awesome, too!

Congrats on 10,000!

Jenn said...

I went to school with you, I'm your friend, you have amazing photos, and I love to read what you write because it really shows what an awesome person you are.

10,000 views WOW! That's a lot but it doesn't surprise me. :)

Meesh said...

I'm your favorite Auntie!!!! I love to keep in contact with you and see your beautiful family and see what's going on in good ole Salina town.
Luv U,
Aunt MiShel

Stephanie said...

I went to school with you. I can't believe how our lives have changed. I LOVE to read your blog because, well because you keep up with it really good so there is always something new. I absolutely love your photography. Most importantly......I always feel really inspired afterwards. You are so honest, funny, and an amazing mom! Congrats on the 10,000 views.

The Jolley Family said...

We went to the same school, just not at the same time. I love looking at your blog. You are very talented, creative, and inspiring. Way to go on 10,000 views!

Trinia said...

K'Brina, your blog is the BEST! It's my laugh for the day, when I need a break from wiping noses, butts, and faces. After reading your blog, I realize what a great mom you are. You are always doing such fun stuff with your girls. How lucky are they, to have you as a mom!

Thanks for your comment. I know you will do great at your 5K. You can do it! I totally agree with you on the cookie thing. It does make you feel good for like 30 seconds.

**Krista** said...

I love to visit your blog because not only do you take the cutest pictures, but you also have the geatest ideas for crafts...and you are the only way for me to get updates and pictures of Britania's cute boys :)

Misty said...

I ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS check out your blog. Your pics are awesome, you are a clever author, & mostly you're just REAL!!! I also just adore you & your adorable little family.

Way to go 10,000!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! Your an amazing person.. I love to read what you have been thinking for the day, love your pictures! Your a very crafty girl!! You have an adorable family! Congrat on 10,000!


Anonymous said...

i am a step sister in law i guess lol. my favorite part about you blog is that you always have something to blog about. and i love love to see the pictures of the girls they are the cutest little things ever. every blog post is inspirational. and i love that you blog to the world world how much you love you family and what they mean to you. i love my family also, but you sure know how to let them all know how much you love them.

Bree Bastian said...

I love to check your blog because it's the only way I get to keep up on what's going on in your life. We used to spend every waking hour together and always had a blast but now it seems like life is so busy that we just don't get the chance to visit as much. Your blog makes me smile because you have a way of looking at the bright side of life even when it isn't!
So, Keep blogging. I love ya tonz!

Hone Family said...

Your blog is so cute, you take the cutest pictures and have the best ideas on here I like to check out what cute ideas you have next. Your girls are adorable and did I mention you take great pictures?? And you keep it updated which is more than I can say for my blog. Keep blogging Love your blog Congrats on the 10,000

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I love your blog because it is so refreshing. And your family is darling!

Trinia said...
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Trinia said...

Yeah, I'm the 10,000 th visitor!!!!

Krysta said...

I went to HS with you! I just noticed your blog ticker at 10,000! I like your blog because:
1) I think you have an amazing talent to write & captivate your audience.
2) Your pictures are fabulous. I admire your talent & get ideas from the various angles and mediums you use when taking them.
3) Your blog has an overall "eye-catching" format that brings the reader in. Its always bright, fun, and always positive!!
So, thank you for allowing viewers like myself to drop in and have a look every now and again.
Krysta :)

Johnson Family said...
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Cari Gillespie said...

I see that you are past 10,000views. I check your blog to catch up with Salina happenings. I was your Business Teacher at NS years ago. It seems like forever now.

Britania said...

Hello I'm your fav sis. I look at yours so I don't have to update mine ha ha.

Jeannie said...

I love looking at your blog! I went to the same school as you but just not at the same time. I was going to leave you a comment a while ago but i thought you would think i was weird but since you asked, I think you have such a great aspect on life you appear to be so positive and love life and most importantly your family. Some times with a 3 year old boy i need re-enforcement on how to stay positive.. I enjoy reading so keep posting! Jeannie

Jeannie said...

Oh and you always have give aways and i am determined to win

Carolyn said...

How do I know you? hmmm..
1. you were 2 grades higher then me in high school, I knew you as Britania's sister.
2. You were dating and eventually married my step cousin, Ryan so you were at family events. And I am in the background of your engagement pic you posted. LOL.
I read your blog because you are so positive and so real in what you write and I love that. Also because you are family and I love seeing all of your pictures and crafts. You inspire me and make me want to be a better mother, sister and friend. Congrats on reaching 10,000 :)

Rademacher's said...

I went to school with you.. I love to see all your wonderful pictures and your amazing crafts.. I wish I could find a craft group to get together with and make such cute things..

Mindy said...

Congrats on 10,000! I love your blog because you are someone that I can totally relate too! You love your husband, kids and your LIFE and you portray it in a way that is very real...and it keeps bringing us all back for more:)

Dawn Rae said...

I read because I am a blog stalker and you have giveaways :) (kidding). I like your blog because it reminds me of Salina, you update regularly and share your passions. Thanks for blogging and allowing me to read and enjoy!

Chandler*Ashley*Breagan said...

I come here because you are a great friend and I LOVE to see what you do next! you always have such fun ideas on your blog! Congrats on reaching 10,000! I don't even think that I've reached 500 yet!! hehe!

The Barton Bunch said...

You have no idea who I am (although you probably know my older sibling)! I stumbled across your blog and I just love all your ideas and insights. You seem to have it all together and have some fun ideas for the rest of us to get it all together. Thanks for sharing!!Oh and congrats on 10,000 views!

Melonie said...

I started looking at your blog from Britania's blog. :) I guess we did kind of go to school together too, though. I love reading the posts and looking at the awesome pics on your blog! It's really fun to read, and I can really relate to a lot of the stories about the kids, etc...and Grey's Anatomy and Taylor Swift! :)

Thanks for letting me look,