right? I really don't know where this last month has gone...
My sweet little girl turned 7 last month. We had been talking birthday for months. She changed her mind about what she "really wanted" a million times and the week before her birthday she decided that she wanted a bigger bike. This is how it went...
Me: really you just got a bike last year!
Aniston: I know, but all my friends have a big bike with hand breaks!
Me: You are not going to get a new bike every year. I shared a little red Schwin with my sister for years. It was handed down to us from our cousins!
Aniston: I know, but all my friends have big bikes...
Me: Oh, Aniston.
Aniston: You are not going to talk me out of this mom!
I used to could talk this child out of anything. But I guess those days are over. What do you do? It was all that she wanted? So, guess what?
We gave in... She got the big bike. Now so help me if we have to buy a new bike for the next 4 to 5 years!!
We decided to hide the bike and send her on a scavanger hunt. We gave her clues and she had to read them to us and then find the next one.
Then we had the friend party. The dreaded friend party. 12 little girls, squealing and laughing= a crazied mother(me). My sister and my mom came to help me. They are awesome and I love them for coming to my rescue!!
We then had our family party. I decided to make Cafe' Rio Pork Salads for dinner. We played a little Guitar Hero in the back yard, and had some Guitar cake made by me.
I love being able to spend the day that my sweet girl was given to me, with all of our family!
It's a little hard to believe that she is 7! I don't want her to grow up anymore. I want her to stay my little baby forever!I just love her. I love that she always has a song in her head and is always singing. I love that she can't wait for school to start. I love that when I am not watching she is so sweet with her sister. I love that she loves to still cuddle with me. I love that she wants to help me set the table everynight. I love that she loves to color and design stuff. I love that she is silly! I love it when she laughs.
I just love her so much, I really, really, do!
Happy Birthday Aniston!! It looks like so much fun. You are another one of those spoiled kids. haha Jaxon looked excited:( but with all those girls who can blame him. Someday he will be happy to be the only boy! Tell everybody "hi". Luv Ya,
Aunt MiShele
How fun. She is getting so BIG!! I loved the birthday cake...so cute.
My girls had a blast at the party! Darling cake and the invites were so flipn' cute too! 7 just seems way too grown up!!
Seven must be the new 13, because 5 is sure the new 11!
Isn't it funny how kids usually get their own way. That happens at our house often. Very cute cake. You are very creative.
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